Empowering Diversity, Driving Excellence

At TechSoft Systems, Inc. we are extremely proud of our diversity and inclusion commitment. Our CEO, Clifford A. Bailey, has been a leading proponent of this mission and his recent recognition from Capital One is a testament to his unwavering commitment.

Capital One’s Supplier Diversity Professional of the Year Award

In 2023, Capital One conferred on Clifford A. Bailey the prestigious award of Supplier Diversity Professional of the Year. This accolade honors him for his outstanding contribution to supplier diversity within our organization and beyond.

Why Supplier Diversity Matters

Supplier diversity is not merely a corporate checkbox; it is a strategic imperative. By intentionally seeking out and supporting businesses owned by underrepresented groups — minorities, women, veterans, disabled individuals, and LGBTQ+ entrepreneurs — we create stronger supply chains that are more resilient in times of disruption. He deeply understands this as it has influenced our procurement approach significantly through his leadership.

Clifford’s Impact on Supplier Diversity

  1. Building Bridges
    Clifford’s vision extends beyond contracts and transactions. He realizes that diversity in suppliers is a long-term partnership process. TechSoft Systems, under Clifford’s watch, has created relationships with various businesses across America. These are not strict business relations; they are links that bring communities together, promote cooperation and stimulate economic development.
  2. Economic Ripple Effect
    According to Capital One’s 2022 Economic Impact Report, the effect of supplier diversity can be compared to the ripple on water surface. The investment we make in companies owned by people from diverse backgrounds has positive effects on the economy and it grows like dominoes in sequence. This leads to the creation of jobs in different locations, successful economies on a local scale and more possibilities for success. The commitment made by Clifford does not end in our boardrooms; it extends all around our communities and cities.
  3.  Mentorship Programs
    Clifford’s passion lies in mentorship. Through programs like Catapult, SAGE Advice, and the Diverse Supplier Mentoring Program, he ensures that diverse business owners receive the tools, resources, and guidance needed to succeed. It’s not just about writing checks; it’s about nurturing growth, year after year. These programs empower entrepreneurs, fueling a cycle of prosperity.

The Tapestry of Success

Supporting supplier diversity is not only within our company walls. It extends to the very framework of America itself. When diverse suppliers thrive, they hire locally, invest in their communities, and contribute to a more equitable society. It’s a win-win—a symphony of progress where everyone plays a vital note.

A Call to Action

Let us not forget as we celebrate Clifford’s well-deserved award that supplier diversity does not mean ticking boxes but rather serves as a guiding compass for a better future. We should keep supporting, coaching, and advocating businesses that represent our beautiful nation’s mosaic.

Clifford A. Bailey’s recognition isn’t just a personal achievement; it’s a collective victory for TechSoft Systems, our partners, and clients. Together, we’ll continue to weave a tapestry of success—one thread at a time.

For more information about our services and commitment to diversity, visit TechSoft Systems.


  1. Capital One – Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging
  2. Capital One – Championing Diverse Workplaces
  3. Capital One – 2022 Economic Impact Report
  4. Capital One – Supplier Diversity Mentoring Program.